Study on Drug Users to Eliminate Hepatitis C Virus


  Hepatitis C virus

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Hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer

A major new study involving drug users is exploring a way to eliminate the killer hepatitis C virus.

Hundreds of Scots will participate in research conducted by Glasgow Caledonian and Bristol Universities.

The virus, a major cause of liver disease and cancer, affects about 200,000 people in the UK, most of whom have injected drugs.

£ 2.8m study will examine if the virus can be completely stopped

Currently, treatment can cure more than 90% of patients in eight to 12 weeks with little effect side effects, but the cost of new antivirals is significant.

During the study, researchers will treat up to 500 people in NHS Tayside who inject drugs over a two-year period.

Treatment will be offered in a number of settings, including pharmacies, addiction services and prisons.

"The findings will be used to guide clinical practice and policy, and support NHS decisions on whether drug users should be targeted for early treatment in the treatment of hepatitis C. chronic. commu

The five-year study was announced before the World Day against Hepatitis, Saturday

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It is estimated that there are between 500 and 600 people injecting drugs in and around downtown Glasgow

Professor Sharon Hutchison, who is the principal investigator of the research, said, "The study will generate empirical evidence as to whether the treatment of people who inject drugs can reduce the spread of infection. " People who inject drugs can be re-infected.

"However, we also know that newer HCV medications are very effective."

"We hypothesize that if HCV treatment is sufficiently increased, the virus could eventually be eliminated.

" The study will test this by using population-level data across the United Kingdom. "

Researchers at GCU and Bristol will collaborate with a number of other institutions including Dundee, Cambridge and Queen Mary Universities, NHS Tayside, Public Health England, the Scottish Drugs Forum, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of California at San Diego are also involved.

The study is funded by the National Institute of Health Research.

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