Sunscreen 101: how to best protect your children's skin and yours this summer


I was raised in the 1970s without worries, without a hat, when caution was dropped and the sun cream barely invented. My mother coated our nose with a thick white paste called Uvistat. I do not remember the skin on my shoulders bubbling with blisters after a particularly long day in the sun.

Forty years later, I could not conceive of such abandonment of my life. the skin care of my children in the sun, especially as my youngest is a redhead with the color of curd cream.

Four Questions for Choosing the Right Sunscreen This Summer

I've made sunscreen a mission of life-giving children's complexion so that they do not look as weathered as my age. Good sun protection also reduces the risk of developing melanoma after too much sun exposure, which can be deadly in worst case scenarios.

Pediatric melanomas are extremely rare, says Dr. Jennifer Stein, dermatologist at NYU Langone. in the United States, but "children need sunscreen because sunburns from childhood have been linked to melanoma later in life".

How to protect your children's skin – and yours – not only your health later, too?

You must first understand the sun – and especially its rays. UV light from the sun comes in two types – UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate deeply, causing damage to the fundamental structure of the skin by compromising collagen and elastin, and they pose a hazard all year round, inside or out. outside, because they filter through the glbad.

Does your skin tell you that your skin has been damaged by UVB rays – which cause the most obvious damage in the superficial layers of the skin. It's here that sunscreen comes in. The sunscreen factor (SPF) of sunscreen indicates the protection it offers against UVB rays: the higher the number, the more protection offered is tall.

advocates sunscreen with at least an SPF 30. Dr. Wong Shiao Yi, a dermatologist at DermaCare Central Hong Kong, agrees. "For daily use, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, you must use an SPF of 30 and above to protect your skin from sunburn, premature aging of the skin and skin cancer," says Dr. Wong. "I would also recommend 50 for more deliberate and prolonged sun exposure such as hiking or golf."

She warns against the use of ultra-high SPF sunscreens, however. "The extra protection offered by an SPF100 sunscreen versus a SPF 50 is tiny, and it has been shown that too high factors lead to a false sense of security among consumers, resulting in misuse of the products."

She encourages her clients to look for sunscreens that offer protection against UVA and UVB, and warns that makeup products containing SPF should not be used in place of sunscreen because "They are more likely to be applied in a thin layer and do not reach the level of protection that they promise to offer and are less likely to be resistant to friction and to the surface. ;water."

She recommends using makeup products containing SPF with sunscreens. You need about half a teaspoon of sunscreen for the face and neck.

Both doctors insist that you must renew your sunscreen regularly – at least every two hours, especially after swimming and wiping.

But sunscreen is only a weapon in the arsenal available to protect our skin. As Stein observes: "You can still burn while wearing sunscreen, and I see a lot of patients arrive surprised to have a sunburn on their chest even though they were wearing sunscreen with a SPF of 80.

"Protective clothing is more reliable than sunscreen. A shirt is the best way to protect the chest and shoulders. I always recommend hats with an edge, especially for men without hair that have so much sun damage on the top of the head. "

My poor auburn darling was huddled en mbade and forced to swim in a knee-length swimsuit.It did not bother her at three o'clock, she vehemently opposed at 17 , so it was a bikini, shorts, T-shirt and hat – and the realization that the sunburns were painful and that she hated them. 19659003] Why some sunscreens do not protect not completely against harmful rays

The greatest improvement in sunscreen in recent years is the wide availability of sunscreen for children and adults in a variety of styles and prices. Sunscreen clothing was hard to come by, expensive and not very stylish.You can now find swimsuits from many popular clothing lines in stores and online, "she says. Look for clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of at least 30, which will help block the most harmful rays.

There has also been a hype lately about oral sun creams – or ingestible ones. "Oral supplements that contain an extract of a fern, Polypodium leucotomos may make it more difficult to get a sunburn," Stein explains. Although several recent studies confirm this, she warns that these supplements should not replace other forms of sunscreen.

The US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in May against some companies marketing pills labeled as dietary supplements. According to Dr. Wong, even though sunscreen and sun protection clothing are becoming more and more trendy, the adage "slipping, slopper, slapping, searching and slipping" will always be wise. observe: slip on a shirt; slop on sunscreen; slap on a hat; to seek shelter; and slip on good quality sunglbades to protect your eyes.

My girl with flaming hair is cool in the shade, looking over the top of her airmen while her peers destroy their skin. They will look like his mother, I think of myself.

Five Tips for Saving the Skin of the Experts

1. If you are a runner, try a sunscreen in a stick for the forehead said Stein. "It is less likely that you run in the eyes when you sweat like an aqueous lotion.Also use sunscreens that are labeled" sporty, "which are intended for active use."

Apply 30 minutes before race so that it really plunges into the skin, take it for long runs, and reapply every hour, says Wong.

2. Dr. Wong advocates formulas without oil-resistant and water-resistant products without fragrance will help prevent tingling.Layer your block with chemical and mineral sunscreen, the first offers better coverage against UVA and UVB rays, as it protects by absorbing the sun rays, but it is more irritating to the skin.This, which uses zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and protects by deflecting rays, is thicker but comes off easily

3. Read the label. Check the safe and effective protection (UVA and UVB) often cited as "broad spectrum protection". Also check the approval of the skin type, activity and aesthetics, such as better spread.

Lighter textures, long-lasting water protection, quick-drying ingredients, extra vitamins, antioxidants and anti-pollutants. This makes them more comfortable to wear, so you are more likely to use them.

4. Do not underestimate the strength of the Hong Kong sun, says Dr. Wong, especially on a cloudy day. Always check the UV index

5. Be especially attentive to children. Apply sunscreen inside, half an hour before going out, covering the back of the neck, the top of the ears, the top of the feet and the back of the hands. Make sure that they are wearing sunscreen clothing, a big hat and that you are protected from the sun's rays of your sunglbades, do not forget to protect their eyes too.

Children spend a lot of time in the sun, remember the reflection that comes from that, and continue to supplement the sunscreen. Use sunscreen with zinc oxide and / or titanium dioxide, called physical or mineral block.

Are people with dark skin immune to skin cancer? and they will not sting the eyes of a child. Be careful with the sunscreen spray. As easy to use as they are, they can be irritating or even dangerous if they are inhaled and should never be used near the face that needs a lot of coverage. The water-resistant sunscreen does not protect all day. It protects between 40 and 80 minutes.

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