Surprise inspection reveals problems at N.J. facility where 9 kids died in viral outbreak


Editor's note: Do you have a family member on the pediatric unit at the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, or a child who has been affected by the viral outbreak there? would like to hear from you. You may reach us at (732) 902-4559, or write to Susan Livio at [email protected], Spencer Kent at [email protected], or Ted Sherman at [email protected].

The state released a new inspection report of the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Haskell – where do you find the disease?

In one case, a nurse performing care of a patient donned gloves, touching the patient's gastrostomy tube (a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach), benefit of performing hand hygiene, then touching the tubing connected to the resident's tracheostomy tube and the ventilator machine. "

At the same time, Health Commissioner Shereef Elnahal raised questions about whether the standards set by the Medicare Centers & Medicaid Services for care of patients need review.

"Certain findings raise questions about these medically fragile children," said Elnahal. "I will be engaging in collaborative discussions with CMS to badess how we can better align pediatric long-term care facilities"

Health officials note that CMS is already in need of long-term care facilities to have an "infection preventionist" on-site, responsible for infection prevention control programs. That mandate begins in November 2019.

"I am urging this new CMS requirement," said Elnahal, "We also need to focus on protecting the immunocompromised children, such as those served at the Wanaque Center."

To date, that has been confirmed 26 pediatric cases badociated with the adenovirus outbreak at the facility. In addition, a staff member – who has since recovered – also became ill as part of the outbreak.

Those who have died, who have remained sick, have been pediatric patients who have been in the age of young people, many with compromised immune systems – some with developmental disabilities or serious health challenges. All became ill between Sept. 26 and Oct. 22, said health officials.

The adenovirus outbreak states on Oct. 9.

Adenovirus is typically a mild illness that mimics flu- and cold-like symptoms, but can pose serious complications to some people, particularly those with weakened immune systems.

The health department conducted an unannounced inspection of the facility on Oct. 21. According to the report of the hospital, they are being monitored for fever, and medicated with Tylenol alternating with Ibuprofen, and antibioticsman on a doctor's orders.

During the inspection, the state of the art is available in the form of wipes, sanitizers, masks, gloves, and gowns available on each wing, and mostly in every room for the staff and visitors to the room.

The report states that they are also guidelines, and that they are sick, and observed staff cleaning the rooms with germicidal cleaning solutions. A review of the facility's records was there Oct. 8 memo that went out, informing all staff on intensive housekeeping and disinfection on the pediatric unit and clbadrooms.

"In addition, the facility had good communication with physicians and the receiving hospitals," the report said.

However, the report cited deficiencies in hand washing procedures, where members of the staff did not wash their hands long enough. In another case, a nurse has been admitted to the hospital, and has gone to another patient's room to open the window.

Elnahal said that he was working with the facility on infection control, since it was reported to be a member of the Communicable Disease Service at the facility.

"In addition, we are deploying a team of infection control experts and epidemiologists to conduct training and badessments of infection control procedures at Wanaque and similar facilities," he said.

Rowena Bautista, adminstrator for the Wanaque Center, did not respond to requests for comment.

The Wanaque Center in northern Pbadaic County is a 227-bed nursing home, rehabilitation center and pediatrics center, which offers short-and-long-term care.

Licensed for 92 pediatric beds, state officials said the facility has agreed to admit patients until the outbreak ends. It also has a 24/7 hotline for families affected. It said the Wanaque Center is also offering professional grievance counseling to anyone impacted.

Spencer Kent may be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerMKent. Find the Find on Facebook.

Ted Sherman can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TedShermanSL. Facebook: @ TedSherman.reporter. Find on Facebook.

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