TDs refuse "test of means" for access to abortion


Any attempt to ban public funding for abortions could lead to conditionality of resources for jobseekers and discrimination against poor women, warned TDs.

The comments were voiced as the Dáil continued to debate the pbading of a law to adopt Yes vote to give women access to abortion.

Independent TD, Carol Nolan, had introduced a motion at the report stage to prevent public funds from being used for layoffs.

Carol Nolan

Several TDs said that this decision went against the outcome of the referendum and would lead to a two-tiered health system for women in Ireland.

Billy Kelleher, of Fianna Fáil, said the motion amounted to a "resource test" for women needing an abortion, while Solidarity-People Before Profit, TD Brid Smith, said the proposal was not "Logical, equal or fair" and would only allow rich women to access abortion.

Nolan said taxpayers were asked to pay for "murder" while independents Mattie McGrath and Peadar Tóibín supported her motion.

Lisa Chambers of Fianna Fáil warned that without public funding for layoffs, women would be forced to stay pregnant against their will.

Citizens have not voted for inequality or to erect barriers for the poorest in society, said Mayo TD.

Jonathan O'Brien, of Sinn Féin, said it was "bogus" to say that if there was no public funding for an abortion, more money would be available for other health services.

According to the World Health Organization, 7 million women are admitted to hospitals around the world every year because of unsafe abortions.

Health Minister Simon Harris said his intention was to make abortion "free and safe" in Ireland and not to divide people.

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