Test mosquitoes in the San Fernando Valley are positive for West Nile virus


What you need to know

  • Two specimens of Mosquito in the San Fernando Valley have been tested positive for West Nile virus, officials said Saturday.

  • Private owners are strongly encouraged to do their part. Number of breeding mosquitoes

  • Residents are also encouraged to wear EPA-approved insect repellents when they go outdoors in summer

The summer is in full swing in California South and after a brief early lull, West Nile virus

Samples of mosquitoes collected at Sherman Oaks and Porter Ranch tested positive for the virus last week, the county vector control district announced Saturday of Greater Los Angeles

with only three positive samples this year. – The inevitable annual infestation with West Nile virus began more slowly in 2018, according to the district.

"Last year [at this time] we have already registered 43 positive samples," said the district director of Sci. Susanne Kluh said in a statement

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Citing the County Public Health Department Los Angeles, the district said is one of the leading causes of serious infections in adults over the age of 50 with chronic diseases. Symptoms may include fever, headache, body aches, nausea or rash and may last for months.

Some serious cases also require hospitalization and about 7% of patients with serious complications have died. Health authorities recommend that residents take preventive measures such as:

• Avoid mosquito-infested areas at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are more active

• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers

• Use of EPA-approved repellents containing DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil

• Verification of the presence of holes in them mosquito nets

• Draining or emptying of standing water drains, cuvettes or drip pails of air conditioners and non-functional swimming pools;

• Cleaning and chlorination of swimming pools;

• Draining water from pool lids;

• Garden stocking ponds with goldfish or other mosquito-eating fish

• Weekly draining and washing of bird baths and wading pools

• Weekly covers and drainages of rain barrels

City News Service contributed to this story. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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