The agent sees De Ligt joining Liverpool or PSG & # 39; for £ 61.7 million this summer


Date of publication: Wednesday 5th June 2019 9h45

Ligt's Matthijs agent, Mino Raiola, would like the Ajax defender to join Liverpool or Paris Saint-Germain this summer.

From Ligt to Manchester United is a signature we would like to see this summer with the most recent reports indicating that the Red Devils are "determined to spend a lot of money" this summer on Ligt and other players.

The Dutch international was linked not only to a move to Old Trafford, but also to Barcelona, ​​who had been considered the favorite to sign the central defender.

Catalan radio station RAC1 recently stated that Barca's deal is apparently blocked by Raiola the agent asked for a commission of 20% for the agreement to pbad.

This has given other clubs the opportunity to participate in the potential transfer of 70 million euros.

Tuesday, the German newspaper Bild have suggested that Liverpool can De Ligt sign following his success in the Champions League.

With From Ligt baderting that he has "several options" on the table with "the most logical option".

And now, the Wednesday edition of the Catalan newspaper sport (via Sports witness) believes that Liverpool has joined the PSG in the race for De Ligt.

The report adds that its representative, Raiola, sees only De Ligt join Liverpool or PSG, not Barcelona, ​​the Spanish giants can not meet the requirements of the central defender.

Liverpool is considered the "biggest competitor" of Barcelona, ​​but sport do not mention United as a rival for his signature because of their lack of football in the Champions League.

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