The Alzheimer Society of Ireland says Simon Harris will not meet them


People with Alzeimer and their caregivers say that they are ignored by the Minister of Health.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland says that is why they are holding an emergency meeting in Dublin today to ask for funding for people with the disease and the people who care for it.

CEO Pat McLoughlin accuses Health Minister Simon Harris and Minister of Seniors Jim Daly of ignoring the plight of people with Alzheimer's after publicly declaring that "dementia was a essential priority ".

Pat McLoughlin says that people gathered today are very sorry to be ignored.

"People with dementia and their caregivers are very angry, they believe they were ignored in the Sláintecare report.They think they've been ignored in the budget, Minister Harris will not agree to meet us "said Minister Harris. Mr. McLoughlin.

"It's really their last chance to convince the minister to make sure that the HSE service plan for 2019 addresses dementia in a comprehensive way."

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