A Leucistic Cobra Monocled at the Planet Exotica Zoological Garden in Royan, France. The monocle cobra is native to India, China, Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal and Thailand (1965: 09004 ). Staff at the Detroit Medical Center rushed to treat an emergency rarely encountered in southeastern Michigan or the United States: a man suffering from the bite of an exotic but toxic cobra

Monocle cobra is native to India, China, Vietnam and Cambodia, said Monday a DMC official. such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal and Thailand. Its powerful venom is among the fastest snakes in the world and can cause death as soon as an hour after a bite, Reptiles Magazine reported.

The 26-year-old victim "stopped breathing because of venom respiratory muscle palsy, and was intubated and placed on a respirator," said the medical center. "The toxicology at the Detroit Medical Center was consulted and he was transported from Bay County to the DMC for a higher level of care."

While he was at the ICU At the Harper Hospital, the toxicological staff contacted the Toledo Zoo. Eight vials of generic antivenom that covers many species of venomous snakes were sent to the DMC and administered to the patient within 30 minutes of arrival, but this had only little effect and its State continued to worsen, according to authorities.

reaches an emergency response team in Miami-Dade County, Florida, which has a venom response program. Twenty vials of antivenom were sent to Detroit and administered to the patient.

"There could be only five cases as described above in the country in a year, but the coordination that it took to save the life of this man is remarkable because several agencies worked together to provide the care this man needed. "

The patient remains hospitalized and is recovering. There was no immediate word on his condition Monday night or when he would be released, spokesman Jason Barczy told The Detroit News in an e-mail

"It is very rare that one Case like this is happening not only at DMC or Michigan, but there could be five cases like this nationwide this year alone. "

Every year, between 7,000 and 8,000 people get bites in the United States and about five of these victims die. according to the centers of control and prevention of diseases.

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