The Chinese claim of "baby designer" condemned by scientists


Reports of the world's first genetically modified babies born in China have been labeled "monstrous" and "shocking" by British scientists.

Professor He Jiankui claims to have used a widely used gene editing tool to create the binoculars, Lulu and Nana.

In an interview filmed with the Associated Press, he said babies born a few weeks ago had their DNA modified to protect themselves from HIV.

I understand that my work will be controversial, but I believe that families need this technology.

Professor He, who has a laboratory at the University of Science and Technology in the south of Shenzhen City, claims to have modified the embryos of seven couples who accepted the procedures.

Six attempts involving 11 embryos resulted in a twin pregnancy, he said.

Professor He claims to have eliminated a gene called CCR5 to make girls resistant to HIV, the AIDS virus.

In the video, he said, "I know that my work will be controversial, but I believe that families need this technology."

However, Professor He's work has not been published or verified and doubts have been expressed about his claims.

British experts reacted with horror to the report, baduming it was true.

If there is a false report, it is a scientific misconduct and a great irresponsibility. If this is true, it is always a scientific misconduct

In most countries, including the United Kingdom, the law bans any attempt to create genetically engineered human babies.

The scientists pointed out that, although the gene editing system used, CRISPR / Cas9, is extremely powerful, it could still cause serious damage by generating "untargeted" alterations of DNA.

Lord Winston, researcher in fertility science and professor of science and society at Imperial College London, said: "If it 's a false report, it' s safe. is a scientific fault and a deep irresponsible.

"If this is true, it is still scientific misconduct.

"The fetus can not give informed consent. In addition, this is an experiment that may go wrong because CRISPR / Cas9 is not completely reliable and there can be all sorts of effects, physical and mental, that could be devastating. "

Ms. Kathy Niakan, group leader at the Francis Crick Institute in London, who researched miscarriages with the help of CRISPR / Cas9, said, "If this is true, the report is very worrying. This would be a highly irresponsible, unethical and dangerous use of genome editing technology.

"In the UK, it is rightly illegal to establish a pregnancy from a genetically modified embryo."

Joyce Harper, a professor of genetics and human embryology at University College London, said, "The report released today on genome modification of human embryos for HIV resistance is premature, dangerous and irresponsible. "

AP Exclusive: The first genetically modified babies claimed in China. We are not ready for that. We must seriously check security. A flawless stay@DrHelenONeill

– Joyce Harper (@ProfJoyceHarper) November 26, 2018

Professor Julian Savulescu, director of the Uehiro Practical Ethics Center at the University of Oxford, said, "If that's true, this experience is monstrous."

Press Release: Monstrous Gene Editing Experience –

– Julian Savulescu (@juliansavulescu) November 26, 2018

Professor Peter Braude, obstetrics expert at King's College in London, said: "It was inevitable that someone trying to reach the limelight is probably trying this. However, it is often better to be careful than to be first.

– Press Association

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