The creator of Haunting of Hill House finally discusses the revolutionary theory of the red room


This final scene left a lot of questions.

We are going to badume that you are fully aware of everything related to The Haunting of Hill House, but you may not have seen / completed Mike Flanagan's wonderful series on Netflix, consider it your revealer . alert.

Haunted Hill House

With the news that season 2 – or a series of anthologies that will feature some of Crain's characters – is about to begin, fans of the Netflix horror series have remained in the limbo of the future episodes.

There is a very credible theory that Crain's children never leave the red room because the scene where they were all gathered to celebrate Luke's sobriety had many similarities reflected in the red room – the same camera angle, the same color palette, aesthetic style, etc.

Basically, the theory says that Crain children are still trapped in the red room.

In an interview with TVLine, Flanagan gave a definitive answer to this burning question. Are Crain's children still being held against their will in the most sinister place of Hill House?

"I've talked a lot about the end, and I'm reluctant to say more.I like people to be able to give their point of view, so I'm not anxious to take them off." In this case, however, the end can be read as such, "he said.

The talented director was definitive in his statement, adding later: "If they are still in the red room, it deprives Hugh of sacrifice [and the show itself] of all meaning. For me, it ends exactly as it seems to me.

"Hugh is dead, Nell is dead, Olivia is still dead. I have always considered this as a hint of peace, a simple glimpse of the fact that life goes on, and some acceptance of the surviving characters. Acceptance, peace and a little forgiveness in no way mitigate the losses suffered during this episode; it only shows that life has a way to go and these characters finally accept that, "concluded Flanagan.

Despite the fact that this mystery is now resolved, we are still very interested in returning to Hill House because, as we learned in the series, no fire can stop the terrifying specter of the Bent-Neck Lady or Tall Man.

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