The FDA Approved a New Flu Treatment, Just In Time for Flu Season


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new antiviral influenza treatment.

Genentech's drug Xofluza, which can be taken via a single oral dose to help patients recover more quickly from the flu. FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said in a statement, "It's the first new antiviral treatment with a novel mechanism of action approved by the FDA in nearly 20 years.

The main factor differentiating Xofluza from other antiviral flu treatments on the market, such as Tamiflu and Relenza, is the way it's taken. Xofluza is the only antiviral that can be taken as a single oral dose. Tamiflu, for example, must be taken orally twice daily, while Relenza is an inhaled powder.

In clinical trials, patients who took Xofluza had more than one placebo pill, although the drug did not increase significantly. A representative from Genentech told that the drug, which was approved for people who have symptoms of uncomplicated influenza for 48 hours or less, will be available in the US "in the coming weeks." , but insured patients who use it for $ 30, the company said.

While antivirals offer significant benefits to those who have contracted influenza, Gottlieb stressed that the medications are not a replacement for flu vaccines, which can prevent illness in the first place. "Flu season is already well underway, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting vaccinated by the end of October, as well as being more effective and more effective. flu and serious flu-related complications, which can result in hospitalizations, "Gottlieb said. "Yearly vaccination is the primary way of preventing and controlling flu outbreaks."

The FDA's approval follows one of the deadliest and most widespread fluences in recent history. More than 80,000 people died from the flu during the 2017-2018 season.

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