The funeral of the tragic Irishman Danny McGee, who died after learning in New York that it was a "larger-than-life" character


At the funeral of an Irishman killed in New York, it was learned that an increasing number of "tragic and unnecessary deaths" were occurring in "a society where violence is too easy".

Hundreds of mourners gathered at St Mary's Church in Drumlish, Longford County to commemorate Danny McGee, 21, described by her sister as a "larger than life" character.

    Danny's funeral was held at St Mary's Drumlish Church this afternoon

Frank McGrath

Danny's funeral was held at St Mary's Drumlish Church this afternoon

This talented sportsman died as a result of the alleged badault of a punch in front of the Gaslight bar in Queens early Thursday morning.

Questioning the apparent rise in violence and the apparent tolerance of society, Father Ber Hogan said that the friends of the popular North Longford man were still struggling to cope with this tragedy.

He told people in mourning: "In truth, it does not make sense, it should not make sense.

"In a society where violence is too easy, we all have to stop and ask ourselves, using our words carelessly, using our tantrums or uncritical attitude toward violence. .

"Have we been hardened by society or society hardened us?

"It does not happen a day without hearing about a violent act, a tragic death, a family traumatized by the tragic and unnecessary death of a loved one. Have we become too insensitive to their frequency?

    The 21-year-old died in New York after an alleged badault
The 21-year-old died in New York after an alleged badault

Father Hogan stated that, despite the obvious love grief felt by Mr. McGee's family and friends, he pointed out how similar anguish was felt by the relatives of the accused man. of his aggression.

Steven O'Brien, 25, of 42nd Street, Queens, NY, appeared in court last week after the incident.

"We are also aware that there is another family facing this tragedy and that their pain is also valid. In a tragedy like this, there is pain and heartbreak for everyone involved. "

Local GAA members of the late Mr. McGee, Father Manning Gaels, escorted the funeral procession into the church, badisted by honor guards from his former football club, Gaels Utd and Moyne Community School.

Her youngest sister, Eva, was fighting tears as she was talking about the close relationship that both men loved to grow together.

    Hundreds of people gathered at Syt Mary Church to say goodbye to the young man

Frank McGrath

Hundreds of people gathered at Syt Mary Church to say goodbye to the young man

She said, "He was very protective of me and always looked after me.

"Danny was funny, caring, loving and had a larger-than-life personality.

"Danny was always in a good mood and he would not have anyone frowning, he would always encourage them."

A silent crowd of supporters observing the room downstairs also learned that Mr. McGee was eager to welcome his sister, his mother Coleen and his brother Brian to New York City on Christmas, before returning to Ireland definitively. next year.

Father Hogan added, "Unfortunately, his homecoming was not the one Danny was waiting for or hovering over, neither Don (his father), Coleen, Brian, and Eva ever expected it.

"The nightmare that visited them this afternoon of November 22 was a nightmare that all families fear when their loved ones are so far away."

    Tributes pay tribute to the tragic 21-year-old who learned of his death
Tributes pay tribute to the tragic 21-year-old who learned of his death

Leon McKeon and Niall Heslin, two of Mr. McGee's best friends, have delivered touching praise. They both chose to stay at "this warm, honest, caring and loving man" with whom they grew up.

Mr. Heslin said, "In recent days, I have heard hundreds of people stories.

"One person summed it up very well when he said," Danny had the mentality of a 21-year-old man, but he had the spirit of a 70-year-old man. Regardless of the age of the person he was talking to, he was able to communicate at their level. "

After talking about Mr. McGee's deep love for his parents and two siblings, Mr. Heslin spoke directly to his long-time friend: "Although I had the pleasure of calling you my best friend, you were also my soul mate, my brother.

"I just want you to keep the game as high as you did here for us, Danny.

"A plus, my brother."

After the funeral, burial took place in the nearby local cemetery.

Homage was paid to Danny after the news of his death emerged last week.

Longford County Councilor Martin Mulleady expressed his shock at the news last week.

Fianna Fail's representative said, "I knew him very well, he was very popular and came from a very respected family in the area.

"Danny was a very talented GAA player who evolved to the under-21 level with father Manning Gaels, and I trained him myself when he was younger.

"And Danny was also a very accomplished football player.

"It's awful, a terrible news, and my heart is going to his family for the moment."

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