The hang glider hangs on his life after the pilot failed to attach the safety harness


For the first time, a hang-glider was forced to remain hooked on life after her instructor failed to attach a safety harness.

Chris Gursky, a Florida parts dealer, was on vacation with his wife in Switzerland when he decided to see the city from above.

After taking off the mountain, Mr. Gursky – who was filming the adventure – had to hang on for more than two minutes to allow the pilot to land safely.

He told Good Morning America: "I was just trying to stay calm, I was trying to stay alive … I dropped my eyes once and I thought to myself". that's it, I'm going to die of sorrow. "I'm a goner."

chris gursky pic: Facebook
Mr. Gursky had a broken wrist. Photo: Chris Gursky / Facebook

"I just kept going as long as I could."

Mr. Gursky described how he began to struggle to maintain himself during this terrible ordeal.

"I lost the grip of my right hand, which was holding a strap at the driver's right shoulder," he said.

"He was trying to head to the landing field because he knew what the situation could bring."

However, the experience did not discourage him completely.

Mr. Gursky said: "While the pilot made a critical mistake during our pre-flight preparation by not staring at the glider, he had done everything to put me on the ground as quickly as possible while catching my harness. and fly with one hand.

"I'll go hang gliding again because I did not enjoy my first flight."

Mr. Gursky had to be operated on from a wrist fracture during his landing, but he was released the same day.

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