The liver cancer mortality rate in the United States has increased by 43% in 16 years


Mortality rates for liver cancer increased among men and women 25 years of age and over, as well as among Whites, Blacks and Hispanics. Only Asians and Pacific Islanders have seen mortality from liver cancer decline.

The increase in mortality does not mean that liver cancer is more deadly than before, according to Dr. Jiaquan Xu, the report's author; the 10-year survival rate for liver cancer has not changed much. More than 70% of liver cancers are caused by underlying liver disease, which has risk factors such as obesity, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and hepatitis B and C infection, said Dr. Farhad Islami, the scientific director of cancer surveillance research at the American Cancer Society.

"I think the main reason for the increase in the incidence of liver cancer and death rate in the United States is the increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Infection with hepatitis C virus in baby boomers. appearance of liver cancer between 1990 and 2014.
 The new hepatitis C infections triple because of the opioid epidemic [19659005] New hepatitis C infections triple due to opioid epidemic

blood transfusions and organ transplants did not make the # 39, subject to screening for hepatitis C, said Xu. According to the CDC, it was once a common way of transmitting hepatitis C.

It often takes years before a person with hepatitis C develops liver cancer , which would explain an increase in the incidence of cancer in elderly people who received blood transfusions and organs before 1992. Liver cancer mortality was highest According to the new report, the epidemic of Opioids could also be involved, according to Dr. Manish A. Shah, medical oncologist at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian. . Hepatitis C, transmitted through needle sharing, has resulted in high levels of liver cirrhosis, or scars caused by liver damage, in the 1990s and 2000s, Shah said. Cirrhosis increases the risk of liver cancer, but we do not know why, he added.

"Some of these risk factors for liver cancer such as obesity, diabetes, and excessive consumption of alcohol, these things can be avoided," he said.

Mortality by bad

Throughout the 16 years badyzed, the mortality rate for liver cancer in men was 2 to 2.5 times higher than in women, according to the report

. "There is a long-standing recognition that men have a greater risk of liver cancer than women," said Dr. Scott L. Friedman, Dean of Therapeutic Discovery and Head of Division of Liver Diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine. the reasons are not clear.

Shah said that some risk factors for liver cancer, such as drug use and obesity, tend to affect more men than women.

Still, men and women experienced similar increases in mortality – 43% for men and 40% for women – from 2000 to 2016.

"Once you have liver cancer, whether you are a man or a woman your cancer survival rate is the same, "said Shah.

Survival rates depend on the earliness of cancer – according to the American Cancer Society, liver cancer has a five-year survival rate of 31%, regional liver cancer that has spread to the nearby organ has a survival rate of 11%, and distant liver cancer, which is Spread further into the body, has a survival rate of 3%.

Mortality by race

White adults have the lowest mortality rate Although […] there is no evidence that race influences cancer biology, non-white people are more likely to receive inadequate or unequal access to care, which could explain their increased overall mortality from liver cancer, Friedman said.

The only breeds with decreased mortality were Asians and Pacific Islanders. Shah said that this could be due to increased vigilance and screening for these breeds, since the incidence of liver cancer is known to be higher in these populations.

Mortality by state

The report also examined differences in liver cancer mortality between US states.

Washington, DC, had the highest liver cancer mortality rate in 2016, while Vermont had the lowest.

Friedman says that this could be explained by the differences between states in preventive screening and in the treatment of underlying diseases such as hepatitis. C.

Islami pointed out that the cost of treating hepatitis C can create exaggerated barriers to access in states where the drug is not covered by insurance disease.

But mortality differences between small states – there are 10.8 out of every 100,000 people who die of liver cancer in Washington, DC, than in Vermont.

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