The study highlights the deficiencies of moisturizers with sunscreen


  The study highlights the defects of moisturizers with sunscreen
Sunscreen SPF 30 (left) Moisturizer SPF 30 (right). Credit: University of Liverpool

A new study from the University of Liverpool, presented at the annual meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists in Edinburgh (July 3-5, 2018), shows that moisturizers with a protective factor solar offer less sun protection. global scenarios, and people are more likely to miss areas of their faces when using them.

Prolonged or excessive exposure to sunlight causes skin damage in the form of sunburn, premature aging, and increased risk of skin cancer. For these reasons, there is a great deal of pressure to use creams or sprays containing SPF to protect themselves from the worst of this damage. Traditionally, these sunscreens have been specially designed, however, more recently, daily moisturizers, makeups and a variety of other skin care products have begun to include sunscreen elements. Despite the popularity of these products, their effectiveness has not been rigorously tested.

Using a specially modified camera that only sees UV light, researchers from the Department of Eye and Visual Sciences at the University, led by Kevin Hamill and Austin McCormick, have badessed how far people are applying a sunscreen and a sun protection factor (SPF) containing a moisturizer on their face. When a skin area is covered successfully, the product absorbs UV light and this area appears black on the photos – the clearer the area, the less absorption is successful.

Hydrating not applied thickly [19659005Aucoursdedeuxvisitesséparées60personnes(14hommeset46femmesâgéesde18à57ans)ontétéinvitéesàappliqueruneprotectionsolairelorsdelapremièrevisitedufiltresolaireSPF30etdansladeuxièmecrèmehydratanteavecFPS30Lesphotosontensuiteétéprisesaveclacaméramodifiéepourvoiravecquelleefficacitélesgensappliquaientlesdeuxproduits

L & # 39; photo badysis showed that people who have applied the & # 39; moisturizing miss an average of 16 percent of their face, while 11 cent. When only high-risk areas of the eyelids were badyzed, sunscreen users missed 14 percent, compared to 21 percent with a moisturizer. The eyelid area is a common site for skin cancers.

On top of that, the study suggests that people do not apply moisturizer as thick as sunscreen and therefore do not receive all the benefits of SPF. Photos of people using moisturizers are significantly less dark on average, indicating that the product absorbs less UV light.

On average, men used products better than women, and other groups were better. with darker skin tones and older participants.

Participants were asked to rate their perceived ability to apply the products before and after viewing the images. For sunscreen, the perceived capacity went from 90% to 42% and the moisturizer from 85% to 38%, which indicates that participants were not aware of their inability to get adequate coverage.

M. Austin McCormick, consultant Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgeon, and one of the researchers, said, "One of the things I've particularly enjoyed about this research is that it's very visual and easy enough to understand for people. "We were expecting the moisturizer to work less well than sunscreen on overall protection, as it seemed intuitive that people are applying a pretty thin moisturizer on the whole. was right about it, the research revealed unexpected surprises.We thought that people would lose more of their face with sunscreen because we all had that burning sensation when you accidentally rubbed it in your eyes and we expected that it would lead people to stay cautious and avoid the eyes.In fact, people missed more of their face when using the moisturizer.

"Although the Moisturizer with SPF provide sun protection, our research suggests that it is not on the same level as sunscreen. As a replacement for your sunscreen needs. "

Situations of the Real World

Matthew Gbad of the British Association of Dermatologists, said:" Unfortunately, moisturizer with SPF does not work particularly well in reality Although this may indicate the factor 30 on the box, this study is just further evidence that the laboratory test conditions for these products do not reflect the way they are used.

"Another important thing to take away from this situation.The research is that people often miss areas of their face when applying sunscreen, a good way to prevent this from happening. becoming a problem is to wear sunglbades and reapply sunscreen regularly.This should help protect the pieces that you miss to be exposed to excessive sun. "

" When products are tested for their SPF, they are tested at a density of 2 mg per cm² SPF used in moisturizers is tested in the same way as sunscreens, so a SPF 15 moisturizer should provide a SPF of 15, however, as this study the demonstrates, they are likely to be applied much thinner than sunscreen, and less evenly.The application of less SPF will reduce protection to a higher than adequate level – for example, apply only half of the required amount can effectively reduce protection by two-thirds. SPFs should not contain UVA protection and, therefore, do not protect against UV aging and are less likely to be abrasion resistant and water resistant.

Learn more:
Poor application of sunscreen leaves people vulnerable to skin cancer

More information:
For more information, see … aining-moisturisers /

University of Liverpool

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