This $ 50 River Island Skirt is the perfect alternative to a Christmas party dress


Do not want to wear a dress for your party?

Why not opt ​​for a skirt that packs all the spark instead? We see pretty sweaters and camisoles superimposed on skirts all over the season, creating a perfect alternative to fashionable clothing.

Warm knitwear and jazzy skirts badociated with a simple sandal is a look that we are all behind us and we see this littering our sons over the past few weeks, bloggers to celebrities who rock your eyes.

Sophie Habbo

Viktoria Dahlberg

So we are inspired by our favors Insta to buy this skirt at 50 euros RI which will marry well to a knit short this winter.

Not only does this skirt contain the essential vibrations of the disco ball, but it will also allow us to combine many combinations ranging from undershirts to oversized feather coats.

Buy the skirt here.

Do you want to complete the look?

You can really add any color sweater to this look and just accessorize it accordingly, but we keep the party calm by adding this high neck sweater with star details.

The rider costs 55 € and you can buy it online here.

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