This is how Fiz will leave Coronation Street next week and we are not ready


Do not leave

But also, yes, because you are on maternity leave and you deserve a break.

Crown StreetJennie McAlpine will be moving away from the street next week to prepare for delivery soon.

Fiz will have to sort out her own problems before leaving, while she tries to find a solution to her daughter Hope.

Hope's behavior has been less than ideal over the last few weeks and despite all the problems she's caused, Fiz has virtually ignored the whole scenario.

Things are not going well this week as Hope decides to help Tyrone walk Evelyn's dog.

But as soon as Tyrone looked away for a second, Hope threw the dog into a tram and let it go – of course she did it.

Later, when Fiz tries to apologize to Evelyn, Hope intervenes and says that she "is not even sorry".

Pretty hard.

As her daughter's behavior only worsened, Fiz decided that she should enroll Hope in a special school for troubled children in Birmingham and that she will go with schoolgirls. until his behavior improves.

And that's about all that then – Fiz goes away, says goodbye to Tyrone, and goes into a moving release that will probably see him again in a few months, acting as if to nothing was there.

Look well. Until there.

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