Those who claim to be young minds show fewer signs of aging of their minds


Young at heart often insist that you are only as old as you feel it.

Now, one study has proved that they are right, finding that those who feel younger show fewer signs of brain aging

that gave a group of older people 59 to 84 MRIs found that those who said they felt younger had more gray matter in their brains and were doing better in memory tests.

The researchers suggested that those who feel about small cognitive changes in their brain, such as a slight loss of memory. The study, conducted by the Seoul University in South Korea, is the first to establish a link between the elderly and the physical signs of cerebral aging.

  A study found that those who feel younger show fewer signs of the brain. aging (photo archive)

  A study found that those who feel younger show fewer signs of cerebral aging (photo archive)

A study found that those who feel Younger show fewer signs of cerebral aging (Dr. Jeanyung Chey, co-author, said, "We found that people who feel younger have the structural features of a younger brain." 19659002 " Importantly, this difference remains robust even though other possible factors – including personality, health, depressive symptoms or cognitive functions – are taken into account.If someone feels older than his age, this could be a sign that he is evaluating his lifestyle, his habits and his activities that could contribute to brain aging and taking steps to better take care of his cerebral health. "

s they felt p read old or younger than they were, or they felt their age. When their brains were scanned, those who felt younger had more gray matter in key areas like the hippocampus, related to memory.

  The results suggest that aging can account for relatively faster brain structures.

  Findings suggest that feeling older than one's age may reflect relatively faster aging brain structures (file photo)

Results suggest that old age may reflect relatively faster brain structures . 19659008] Scanners showed that their brains were less aged than those of older people, because gray matter tends to decrease with age.

The youth group also felt better about memory tests, including a story 15 to 30 minutes after hearing it. The researchers suggest that those who feel older can feel the aging process in their brain because their loss of gray matter can make cognitive tasks more difficult.

Another possibility is that those who feel younger are more likely to live physically and mentally, which could lead to improvements in brain health. Previous studies have suggested that asking people how old they feel can predict whether they will develop dementia, become frail, or be transported to the hospital. Those who feel older than their age are also more likely to be obese and diabetic.

Dr. Chey, whose study was published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, said, "Why do some people feel younger or older?

"Some possibilities include depressive states, personality differences, or physical health.

"However, no one had studied brain aging processes as a possible reason for differences in subjective age"

. age can reflect relatively faster aging brain structures. Those who feel younger have better preserved and healthier brain structures.

Some of the greatest changes in gray matter according to age perception have been found in the lower prefrontal cortex, which helps to suppress irrelevant information. A loss in this area can lead to age-related problems in tasks requiring concentration and concentration.

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