U.N. Biodiversity Conference To Consider Recommendations On Engineered Gene Drives In Malaria Prevention


U.N. Biodiversity Conference To Consider Recommendations On Engineered Gene Drives In Malaria Prevention

Nov 15, 2018

The Guardian: Scientists divided over new research method to combat malaria
“Research on a radical new way to combat malaria and other devastating diseases could be knocked off track if a U.N. biodiversity conference imposes a moratorium on the work, a group of scientists has said. Some scientists believe the different approach has the potential to transform the battle against malaria. It involves engineered gene drives which are used to modify the DNA of wild organisms on a mbad scale. In the case of mosquitoes the method would have the potential to wipe out populations of certain species which carry the malaria parasite, say the scientists. Critics have argued that gene drives pose an unacceptable risk by spreading modified genes through the environment with unpredictable consequences…” (Sample, 11/13).

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