VIDEO: Christmas Advertising From Offaly Pub Gives John Lewis The Courage To Run


Christmas ads are a sign of the beginning of the holiday season for the most part.

With John Lewis and Aldi killing the game, many would not dream of competing with them.

However, an Irish pub has produced something that will inevitably give reason to these big names.

JJ Hough's pub in Banagher, County Offaly, is behind the "Digital DeHoughx".

The ad follows a lonely old man from the rural area of ​​Offaly who is proposing a drastic plan to get people to put their smartphones on and revive the art of conversation at this festive time.

Wolfgang Fischer, Swiss and regional, the main character is increasingly frustrated by the obsession of everyone for technology before finally succumbing.

Ger Hough, from JJ Hough's pub, explains how the idea of ​​the video came about.

"Cathal O 's Grady and I were at the pub and we noticed that about twenty customers were watching their gadgets." The light bulb went off and we thought about it. idea in about 10 minutes, "Ger revealed.

Everyone is obsessed with their smartphone in this ad. Pic: JJ Hough.

The film did not cost Ger an arm and a leg to produce, but only the price of two chickens cooked to feed the cast.

The reaction to the film was huge, the original video having been seen more than 50,000 times.

Ger is not anti-smartphone, but think we need to reduce our consumption.

"They're not going anywhere – let your phone be a tool you use, not a tool that uses you," Ger said.

Ger hopes that advertising will generate business for the pub in this festive season, while adding: "If there are businesses that need help, [viral ad making] they can contact me. "

So what do you think? Did Ger's film allow you to reach the tissues?

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