VIDEO: Fungie, is it you? Dauphin overview in the Liffey River


Hold your pinballs because Dublin's iconic river, Liffey, just has a new resident.

A dolphin was sighted just outside the Citibank building on North Wall Quay earlier this morning.

It's not really something you see on your daily commute to work, but foreign things have been spotted.

Although rare, this latest sighting of marine life is the latest in a series of mammals seen in Irish waters.

Two killer whales were spotted earlier this month.

Orcas, although extremely rare in this part of the world, have been seen twice in the last two weeks, the last sighting being made by Ireland's Eye at the end of October.

John Leonard, the fisherman of Howth, who spotted the whales, could not contain his enthusiasm at the sight of mammals.

"I waited years to see them," shouted John.

WARNING: The following video contains a language that some viewers may find offensive.

We can only imagine what other marine life will settle in our waters before Christmas.

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