WATCH: Brian Kerr stole the show with his use of Irish slang on the cover of the Champions League tonight


Does anyone want to convince Brian Kerr to launch a podcast?

We are big fans of Brian Kerr at JOE. Of course we are, how could we not be?

His football knowledge is unmatched, he is a friendly man and his use of Irish slang is first clbad.

It was as obvious as ever when Virgin Media was covering the Champions League on Wednesday night.

When he spoke of the current situation of Tottenham Hotspurs, he described the terrain and the poor state in which he finds himself.

But that's not how Brian Kerr said …

He described it as "malojan".

Graeme Souness asked what it meant, to which Kerr replied: "It means it's not very good."

And as if that was not enough, he also described the terrain as "in order".

Souness seemed to like him and you are very good at making him smile.

Look at the moment below, it's the comedy of gold.

Brian: "The pitch was malojan."

Graeme: "What is it?"

Brian: "Malojan, that does not mean very well."

Graeme: "I like that."

Brian: "Rag order, it's another for you."

Irish slang lesson for Graeme Souness by Brian Kerr. ?#VMSport

– Virgin Media Sport (@VMSportIE) November 28, 2018

Never, never change.

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