Watch the shocking moment when a truck crashes on the wall of McDonald's parking lot in Lucan


A young man says he is "grateful to be alive" after being hit by a truck on the parking lot of a fast food restaurant in Lucan.

The 20-year-old truck was slightly injured after the truck crashed against him before crashing against a McDonald's parking wall on Tuesday morning.

It is believed that the handbrake may have been left out of the vehicle.

The shocking images from the aftermath of the incident show significant damage to the wall outside the restaurant.

The man who was touched was taken to the hospital as a precaution and then went on social media to say, "I'm sorry, so grateful to be alive.

Gardai confirmed that they were investigating the incident.

A Garda spokesman said: "Gardai, in Lucan, is investigating a collision involving a truck rolling in the wall of a fast food restaurant.It is thought that the handbrake might have been blocked at this time. time. "

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