West Nile virus has been reported in more than 20 states in 2018


More than 20 states have confirmed cases of West Nile virus in 2018, including 10 human cases. What is West Nile virus and what is its connection to birds? ( Pixabay )

States continue to report cases of West Nile virus, from Boston to Montgomery County, Texas. More than 20 states have reported cases of mosquito-borne disease since the beginning of 2018.

West Nile virus cases

This week, Boston mosquitoes were tested positive for West Nile virus. County, Worcester, Auburn and Norfolk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at the end of June, 23 states reported cases of West Nile virus among mosquitoes, people, and birds in 2018.

At present, 10 human cases have been reported to the agency, half of which was neuroinvasive, causing encephalitis or meningitis, while the other half was not. In order to avoid the spread of the disease, it is advisable for people not to get bitten by mosquitoes by avoiding being exposed to twilight and dawn when they are the more active, wearing loose clothing covering the skin, using an insect repellent with DEET.

West Nile Virus

West Nile virus is an infectious disease that was introduced in the United States in 1999. Eight of the 10 people infected with West Nile virus have no symptoms, while d & # 39; others may experience mild symptoms such as headache, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain and rash. Those who experience such symptoms recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can persist for weeks or even months.

In about 1 in 150 cases, however, the infection can develop a serious disease that can affect the central nervous system and cause inflammation. brain (encephalitis) or membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). Symptoms of severe West Nile virus may include high fever, stiff neck, seizures, tremors, loss of vision, muscle weakness, numbness, coma, and paralysis

. People over 60, as well as people with diseases such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease and hypertension, are at risk. One in ten people who die of West Nile virus die.

There is no vaccine or specific treatment for West Nile virus and the drugs administered to patients serve to relieve symptoms

West Nile Virus

] In addition to the following: be detected in mosquitoes and humans, West Nile virus has also been detected in several species of birds. Just like in humans, birds are infected by the bite of an infected mosquito and can pbad it on to other mosquitoes that bite them.

Unfortunately, they can also transmit the virus to predators or scavengers. Since its first discovery in the United States in 1999, West Nile virus has been detected in more than 300 species of birds, most of which survive the disease, except for crows and jays that often fall ill and die

. No evidence that humans can contract West Nile virus by handling infected birds, live or dead, but it is advisable for people to avoid contact with bare hands when they handle a dead animal.

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