What do doctors know about food? Not a lot. | Health


When Americans hear about a craze for health, they can seek advice from their doctor: will this superfood really stimulate brain function? Is this supplement acceptable to me?

Or they may be interested in food choices because of obesity, malnutrition or the role of diet in chronic diseases.

But a doctor may not be reliable. Experts say that while most doctors recognize that diet affects health, they do not learn enough about nutrition in medical school or the training programs that follow [19659004]. According to Martin Kohlmeier, professor of nutrition research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

for those who know about risk factors, it's important to change the diet. 19659002] "People earn a pound or two a year, and no one says anything, but at age 50 or 55, they have often gained 30 or 40 pounds, which has huge repercussions on their health," Walter Willett said. , professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. "In the young, middle-aged years, people acquire the risk factors that often appear as major diseases only later in life."

"You can only practice what you know," said Kohlmeier. According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is widespread but unknown in the United States. This does not surprise Kohlmeier, who said, "It's what happens when you do not teach nutrition."

He oversees the UNC's Nutrition Medicine project, which offers but Kohlmeier said that these are far from enough. "You can not learn in two hours what it takes 20 hours to learn," he said. In a 2015 survey of 121 four-year medical schools, Kohlmeier and his colleagues found that 71% of them did not need at least 25 hours. nutritional education and that less than 20% needed a nutrition course. "This motivates many medical schools to include particular elements in their curricula, c & # 39; is what is tested on the charts and, unfortunately, doctors are not tested on the foods that they have to eat, "explains Tracy Rydel., An badociate clinical professor of medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine.

Stanford and UNC are among the medical schools working to reverse this trend by integrating nutrition into their curriculums. Others include Tulane, Vanderbilt, Tufts, Texas Tech, the University of Oakland Michigan and Boston University. Some, like Stanford and Tulane, have established educational kitchens. The promoters say that this practical element can be particularly useful because it can help doctors discuss food with patients in a more informed and engaged way; and if it instills healthier eating habits among students, it's a benefit for their future patients, because doctors who eat wisely tend to give better advice on how to eat

. advocates not to smoke, "said Willett." Doctors must set an example, both for their good and for the good of their patient. "

The Association of American Medical Schools reports a more than 50% increase since 2011 in schools offering an optional course on nutrition, but this count includes optional courses that simply and not necessarily focus on the topic.

The medical education expert from AAMC, Lisa Howley, is optimistic. "All of our schools take care of this somehow, some do it very intensively, and others [not as well] – there is a spectrum, "she said." For those who are somewhere down the ladder, it would be good to see them learn from their colleagues and, thanks to shared resources, be able to 39; integrate even more this content into their program. "

expertise and res sources, but some efforts are underway to streamline the process so that each school does not need to start from scratch. Rydel and her colleagues are working to centralize nutrition research and recommendations for medical schools, and the American Society for Nutrition announced in September that she would head a coordinating center for education.

Gwen Tillman, vice president of education and development, said the center will likely work with medical schools and residency programs to find ways to incorporate nutrition into their diets. programs.

The Gaples Nonprofit Institute focuses on freshly graduated doctors. In many cases, the minor role of nutrition in medicine underscores the importance that the US health care system places on treatment rather than prevention. There is little or no incentive for a doctor to sit down and talk with patients about food and healthy habits, said Rydel. "A consultation visit is not as motivated as a procedural visit," she said.

Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition at New York University, said that although medical school efforts are important, reimbursement system to encourage preventive health care, and the diet should be covered by licensing examinations and considered a standard medical practice. "From here we are talking about Band-Aids," she said.

Willett said that initiatives in schools are crucial. He recalled a major study in 2015 that encouraged more aggressive treatment with medications that can lower blood pressure, even though obesity and overweight are major causes of hypertension.

"There was not a single claim loss and sodium reduction or the increase in potbadium intake, which means more fruits and vegetables," he said. "It's just such a blatant example of the result of our extremely imbalanced medical education."

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