What Is Drug-Resistant Salmonella? – Health


At least 92 people have been sickened by this drug-resistant form of salmonella bacteria, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced yesterday. The strain responsible for this disease has been detected in 29 states, and has sent 21 people to the hospital.

This strain is particularly prevalent because it is commonly used to treat infections. To learn more about salmonella Health spoke with Sam Alcaine, PhD, badistant professor of food safety at Cornell University. Here's what he says consumers should know.

What is salmonella?

Salmonella is a bacterium that lives in the intestines of mammals, reptiles, and birds. In humans, it can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, along with headaches, chills, and other flu-like symptoms.

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"When an animal is sick or sick, they shed the bacteria in the environment," says Alcaine. "It makes its way into a food source or water source and is ingested again, continuing the cycle."

In the intestinal tract, salmonella bacteria attacks the mucosal lining, which is why people sometimes experience blood in their stool. "It's very unpleasant," says Alcaine, "most of the time, if they have a healthy immune system, they get better on their own."

How is drug-resistant salmonella different?

Sometimes, however, a strain of salmonella is particularly virulent-that causes it to be more easily and easily. Salmonella, even "normal" strains, can also be dangerous for people with compromised immune systems, who are not able to fight off the bacteria on their own.

In these cases, doctors typically prescribe antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone, to kill the salmonella bacteria. And this is where the problem with drug-resistant strains comes in.

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"We've seen salmonella, E. coli, or lots of other bacteria-showing greater resistance to antibiotics," says Alcaine. Experts say that several factors are contributing to this growing problem, including inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to patients and overuse of antibiotics in factory farming.

If someone comes down with one of these MDR [multidrug resistant] "It's a case of stress," says Alcaine. "And that will give the bacteria more time to proceed with the infection and become worse."

What's important to know about the current outbreak?

The outbreak reported yesterday by the CDC has been going on, and it has sickened 92 people. Those who have become sick in the age of 1 to 105, and 69% are female.

The CDC interviewed 54 of the people who became sick, and 89% of them reported that they had been purchased raw. One person gets sick after a pet ate raw ground chicken pet food, and another reported living with someone who works in a facility that raises or processes chickens.

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So far, no single supplier has been identified as the source of this outbreak. Rather, this specific strain is shown in a variety of different products from different places.

This strain is known to be resistant to 12 different antibiotics, according to the CDC, including the usual first-line treatments for salmonella infection. Fortunately, there are still a few drugs-including azithromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, and meropenem-which the bacteria appears to be susceptible to.

How can consumers protect themselves?

Poultry is a well-known carrier of salmonella, and it's commonly the source of salmonella outbreaks in humans, says Alcaine. But that does not mean you stop eating chicken altogether.

Consumers can protect themselves from salmonella the same way they protect themselves from regular salmonella: By washing their hands with soap and water after eating the raw meat or poultry, by making sure that cutting boards are washed thoroughly after preparing raw foods, and by cooking chicken to 165 degrees. (High temperatures kill salmonella bacteria.)

People should also take care to prevent contamination of other surfaces in the kitchen when dealing with raw chicken. "When I was growing up, we used to wash chicken in the sink before cooking it," says Alcaine. "We know now that you should not do that, because you are just going to get around your kitchen."

In addition, Alcaine (and the CDC) recommends against feeding dogs or cats that contain raw chicken. "If they get sick, they'll start shedding the bacteria and they'll make humans sick, too," he says.

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