What is the risk of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes? | New


Summer is halfway, but the mosquito season is still buzzing

For the last part of this summer, here are some tips to keep these pests away

After Dave Neitzel, a vector … From 1965 to 2000, Neitzel stated that the major mosquito-borne viruses in the Rice County region include West Nile virus. and encephalitis of La Crosse.

According to the Minnesota Department of Health, last year, 30 cases of West Nile virus were reported in the state; in 2016, there were 83. Since 1985, there have been 147 cases of La Crosse encephalitis virus in 22 counties of Minnesota, mainly in the southwestern part of the state.

According to Neitzel, West Nile first appeared in Minnesota in 2002, with 48 human cases, including two in the Rice County area. Culex tarsalis, the mosquito that transmits West Nile virus, is found in open agricultural areas.

According to the Minnesota Department of Health, people will generally be asymptomatic or have symptoms similar to those of the flu. There are two forms of West Nile virus: West Nile Fever and West Nile Encephalitis. Twenty percent of these bites will contract West Nile fever, while one in 150 will contract the severe form of West Nile encephalitis.

With West Nile fever, people may experience headache, high fever, sore throat, vomiting, nausea, muscle aches, rash, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. According to Neitzel, people who usually contract the disease are of average age or older. People who contract West Nile encephalitis may experience a change in mental status, vomiting, sensitivity to light, altered reflexes, seizures (less frequent) and acute flaccid paralysis (occurs in younger patients). rarely in patients with severe cases). Less than 1% of people will experience neurological symptoms typical of encephalitis or meningitis.

Culex tarsalis, the mosquito transmitting West Nile virus, is usually present at dusk and dawn. According to Elizabeth Shiffman, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, this mosquito typically lays its eggs in larger, open, semi-permanent locations such as drainage ditches, with their eggs above water, glued together like a raft. 19659002] Most infected people will have no symptoms. Severe cases include symptoms such as headache, fever, lethargy and nausea. The disease can progress to symptoms such as disorientation, coma or seizures.

La Crosse disease is typically seen in children. Neitzel said that children who contract the disease are more severely affected. When adults contract it, they tend to fight it more easily.

Lacrosse encephalitis is transmitted by the mosquito of trees, according to Neitzel. The tree mosquito is seen in the daytime and in wooded areas. The Treehole mosquito tends to lay its eggs in different places, usually containers like a bucket or a tree hole, with its eggs just above the water line.

For both diseases, there is no treatment until the disease disappears.

When it comes to repelling mosquitoes, Neitzel recommended an insect repellent containing DEET and lemon eucalyptus oil. Both Neitzel and Schiffman noted the importance of maintaining yards and ensuring that there is no stagnant water for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Schiffman said that mosquitoes can lay eggs in something like a plastic water hat.

People should be encouraged to go out and have fun, but to be aware of the risks, and to reduce the risks by using an insect repellent and making sure that it does not occur. there is no stagnant water outside.

Reach Reporter Clare Bender at 507-333- 3128 or follow her on Twitter @FDNclare.

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