Where Brian O 'Driscoll believes the All Blacks have failed


Brian O'Driscoll believes that New Zealand has failed to replace key players, depriving the defending champions of their aura of invincibility in the lead up to next year's World Cup in Japan .

Ireland's first victory over the All Blacks allowed the players to significantly reduce the gap in the No. 1 world group and O'Driscoll encouraged his compatriots to consolidate their victory 16-9 with a second consecutive goal. Grand Slam Six Nations.

O 'Driscoll, the former Irish captain, pointed to five areas in which New Zealand is struggling to replace his confirmed tested players and said: "The gap is greatly reduced. between New Zealand and all the other countries that have been beaten twice this year by South Africa in Wellington. and Ireland in Dublin.

"I never dreamed of saying that New Zealand is vulnerable, but I do not think she has the invincibility of the other New Zealand teams.

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"They just have not been replaced in the same way in some positions and I'm thinking of Richie McCaw and his leadership, as well as his play; Sam Cane at the opening of the stage because of his neck injury and in the centers, he did not replace Ma'a Nonu and Conrad Smith.

"I do not think they found a replacement for Jerome Kaino, 6th, while Wyatt Crockett is out of the front row, as he comes back from injury. Of course, they have selected excellent players, but the guys who have entered are not of the same caliber and, therefore, the teams think they can follow them this year. And it was almost a victory of England too. "

While the All Blacks have returned home with questions about their ability to rediscover the way to dominate the sport, O'Driscoll is confident that Ireland is on an upward curve and has welcomed the end of speculation about the sport. mandate of head coach Joe Schmidt. He will be replaced by defense coach Andy Farrell after the World Cup football with Ronan O'Gara, who is helping coaches in the Crusades, a player poised to join a new look set by Irish coaches.

O'Driscoll, HSBC ambbadador to Dubai Sevens "It was an excellent series for the month of November for Ireland and it was the first time with the four matches that gave time to play young guys. Getting four wins in the way they were won gave them a real boost for the World Cup next year in Japan.

"If they can continue in this form, they will be a very difficult team to beat. I am happy that all speculation about Joe Schmidt is over and that he can focus on the Six Nations and eventually attempt to win two consecutive Grand Slams.

"It is now a question of winning the World Cup rather than reaching a semi-final for the first time, which no Irish team has managed."

"Pursuing with Andy Farrell is really good, there is a winning culture and the philosophy remains the same. Farrell can bring in his own support staff. It may be Ronan O'Gara or someone else who will fit perfectly. It's a fantastic year for Irish rugby. "

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