Why will dead fish be used to feed Norwegian cruise ships?


Image of the MS Midnatsol file at Honningsvåg. Photo: Rüdiger Kellner / Hurtigruten

Norwegian cruiser operator Hurtigruten plans to use dead fish to feed some of its vessels, he said Monday, as he seeks to reduce his pollution and its impact on change climate.

The dead fish left over from the big Norwegian fishing industry will be mixed with other organic waste to produce a liquefied biogas that will be used instead of heavy fuel oil, said Hurtigruten, who organizes cruises in the area. Arctic and Antarctic, among others.

"What others see as a problem, we see it as a resource and a solution," said General Manager Daniel Skjeldam.

"By introducing biogas as a fuel for cruise ships, Hurtigruten will be the first cruise company to supply ships with fuel without fossil fuels," he added.

The first biogas ship could be ready by the end of next year, according to spokesman Rune Thomas Ege.

The company wants six of its 17 vessels to be able to use a combination of biogas, batteries and liquefied natural gas, the cleanest fuel possible, by 2021.

Norway, which already has biogas buses, has large fishing and forestry industries producing large quantities of organic waste.

This announcement comes as the cruise industry is being criticized for its climate footprint and its impact on air quality.

A large, highly polluting heavy oil-fired cruise ship emits nearly as much fine particulate matter per day as one million cars, according to the German environmental group Nabu.

On Monday, a French court imposed a fine of € 100,000 ($ 114,000) on the cruise company P & O and its US captain for knowingly using fuel containing too much sulfur, the first decision of its kind in France.

Norway has a "zero emission" target for cruise ships and ferries sailing in its UNESCO World Heritage fiords by 2026 at the latest.

Hurtigruten, which targets carbon neutrality by 2050, has ordered three hybrid diesel / diesel vessels that, according to the company, will be "the first cruise ships in the world to be able to operate without emission.
periods. "

The spokesman said that "it's something almost impossible just a few years ago".

The first of these three ships is expected to enter service in May 2019.

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