Women who give birth to boys are more likely to have postnatal depression


Postnatal depression (PND) affects one in 10 women in the UK, but according to a new study, the risk of developing this disease is increased if you have a baby.

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In addition, women who experience complications during labor are 174% more likely to have PND than others.

Interestingly, the research team also found that mothers who had experienced stress, depression and / or anxiety in the past were less likely to experience postnatal depression after birth complications.

According to the study, which used the reproductive history of 296 mothers, this is explained by the fact that these women probably received more support after birth because of the previous consideration of their mental health problems.

New research suggests that women who give birth to baby boys are more likely to develop postnatal depression [Photo: Getty]

Doctors Sarah Johns and Sarah Myers conclude that babies and birth complications should now be considered as risk factors for postnatal depression by health professionals.

"NAD is a preventable disease and it has been shown that providing additional help and support to women at risk would reduce their risk of development," said Dr. Sarah Johns. "The discovery that a baby or a difficult birth increases the risk of a woman offers health practitioners two new and easy ways to identify women who would particularly benefit from additional support during the first few weeks and months of life. month."

What are the symptoms of postnatal depression?

According to the NHS, the following symptoms may indicate postnatal depression. They are likely to develop in the first year of childbirth.

  • A persistent feeling of sadness or bad mood
  • Lack of pleasure and loss of interest
  • Lack of energy and constant tiredness
  • Difficulty sleeping at night and feeling tired during the day
  • Difficulty connecting with your baby
  • Withdraw from contact with other people
  • Concentration and decision-making issues
  • Scary thoughts – for example, hurt your baby

Where to look for help for postnatal depression

If you have any of the above symptoms, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your local GP. You may be counseled on cognitive behavioral therapy or antidepressants to combat this disease.

There are also a number of organizations designed to badist parents suffering from this disease, such as the Association for Counseling and Assistance in Postnatal Diseases and Pre- and Postnatal Depression.

Unlike baby blues, postnatal depression can last for months if left untreated and men and women can suffer.

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