Women with diabetes at higher risk of cancer, found a global review


According to a new global study, women with diabetes are at higher risk of getting cancer. Researchers at the George Institute for Global Health found that type 1 and type 2 diabetes can pose an additional risk to women compared to men. This can expose them to the risks of leukemia and cancer. They are at higher risk for cancer of the mouth, kidneys and stomach. These findings indicate that there is more need to do research on how diabetes increases the risk of developing cancer. In addition, the findings highlight the need for more research on how diabetes affects men and women differently. It is the first time that diabetes is badociated with any form of cancer – including leukemias, stomach, kidneys and oral cancer. Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in India. The incidence of diabetes has doubled in the last 30 years, but medical experts still need to learn a lot about it.


Women with diabetes are at higher risk of developing cancer, finds a study
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ANI reports that some of the key findings of the study indicate that Women with diabetes The risk of developing cancer was 27% higher than in men without diabetes. In men with diabetes, the risk was 19% higher and diabetes was a risk factor for all types of cancer in particular. Body parts for men and women.

Read also: Here are the best, proven and tested ways to treat diabetes

It was also found that women with diabetes were 6% more likely to develop cancer The risk of developing kidney cancer was 11%. oral cancer, stomach and leukemia rates were 13%, 14% and 15% higher, respectively, than men with diabetes.

Diabetes compared with men with diabetes.


Diabetes May Increase the Risk of Leukemia, Kidney Cancer
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For now, it is believed that the increase blood sugar levels can have carcinogenic effects and lead to damage to the DNA. Worldwide, 415 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide. As many as 5 million diabetes deaths are reported each year.

Read also: Irregular Periods Related to Type 2 Diabetes in Girls: Study

Health Coach Luke Coutinho believes that diabetes can be controlled by living a healthy way of life. Regular exercise can be a healthy way to control diabetes. Exercise increases the insulin sensitivity of the cells.

People with diabetes should also take care of their carbohydrate and sugar intake. Carbohydrates and sugar are quickly broken down into small sugar molecules. These molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and contribute to an increase in the blood sugar level.

  d6kp4l6g [19659003] Regular exercise can help control diabetes
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If you are overweight and have diabetes, be sure to work to lose weight. Weight loss can be achieved by exercising regularly and eating healthy and healthy People with diabetes should also pay attention to portion control and avoid eating large amounts of food. ;food. Go Read: 5 Pre-Diabetes Symptoms You Need to Know

Avoiding the habits that are part of the sedentary lifestyle is also important for people with diabetes. They should quit smoking, maintain an active lifestyle and control alcohol consumption at all times.

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