Wrinkles, successful hair loss in a revolutionary new genetic experiment on aging


Scientists have succeeded in reversing two of the most common and visible effects of aging by "disabling" a specific gene, in a new study of laboratory mice.

Science continues to work on ways to help people realize their dreams of staying young forever, or at least looking that way. A new genetic experiment conducted at the University of Alabama in Birmingham is promising to reverse two of the most common and visible effects of aging. In fact, according to the scientific research paper published Friday in the newspaper, Cell Death & Disease researchers have managed to trace back the age of aged, wrinkled and bald mice when they proceeded to # 39; inversion of the age. experience.

When the experiment was done, mice that had previously suffered severely wrinkled skin and thinning and thinning hair seemed identical to their younger counterparts with smooth skin and hair growth, according to a summary of l & # 39; experience. ] Science Daily .

"To our knowledge, this observation is unprecedented," said Keshav Singh, senior research scientist and professor of genetics at the University of Alabama at the Birmingham School of Medicine , cited by Science Daily .

So what did Singh and his team of genetic researchers do to produce this seemingly unbelievable result? They simply "turned off" a gene in mice that caused dysfunction of cellular mitochondria. When the dysfunction was reversed, the symptoms of aging were reversed, according to a UAB summary of the work.

  Wrinkles, Successful Hair Loss Inverted in Potential Breakthrough New Genetic Experience on Aging

ESB Professional



Mitochondria are specialized structures known as the name of the organelles that live in each cell, and provide much of the energy used by every cell of the human body, or the body of any animal. or plant, according to Live Science . In fact, it is thought that the many mitochondria that live in each cell provide up to 90% of the energy used by the cell. When the mitochondria deteriorate, the cells become sick and die.

After causing mitochondrial dysfunction in mice, UAB scientists observed severe aging symptoms, including skin wrinkles and hair loss. By restoring the function of damaged mouse mitochondria in the UAB experiment, the effects of aging were cleared and the mice regained their juvenile appearance.

"This mouse model should provide an unprecedented opportunity for the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies.To increase mitochondrial functions for the treatment of cutaneous and capillary pathology badociated with aging and other human diseases in which the Mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role, "said Singh, quoted by News India

. The experiment could, in the long run, lead to new drugs and other therapies that would restore a youthful appearance to aging humans, as well as to laboratory mice.

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