You can be prediabetic and do not know it, warns the CDC


WEDNESDAY, Nov. 14, 2018 (HealthDay News) – More than a third of Americans have prediabetes, but 90% of them do not know it, according to medical experts.

Pre-diabetes often leads to type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems, including heart disease and stroke.

However, research shows that people who know they are prediabetic are more likely to change their lifestyle in ways that prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

World Diabetes Day was held on November 14th. The American Medical Association (AMA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have launched a prediabetes awareness campaign and are encouraging patients to determine whether they are affected or not.

"Prediabetes can often be reversed and type 2 diabetes avoided by losing weight, eating better and being more physically active," said Ann Albright, director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation.

"Men and women with prediabetes can reduce their risk when they participate in a national diabetes prevention program recognized by the CDC, scientifically proven programs to help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes," said Albright in an AMA / CDC press release.

Does the "Do I Have Pre-diabetes" campaign include publicity ads for viewers who may have prediabetes and urge them to take a one-minute online test on the risk of prediabetes? .

Those who score high should consult with their physician to confirm the diagnosis of prediabetes and enroll in the CDC program.

The campaign's website also offers healthy lifestyle tips and a link to a registry of more than 1,700 in-person and online programs recognized by CDCs nationwide.

"Our goal with this campaign is to help more than 84 million Americans living with prediabetes to know whether or not they have prediabetes and to urge them to talk to their doctor as soon as possible. they will learn that they may be at risk, "said Dr. AMA, president of WADA. Barbara McAneny.

"We encourage all those who will learn, through the test, the risk of prediabetes to consult their doctor to confirm a diagnosis of prediabetes and discover how lifestyle changes can help prevent type 2 diabetes," added Mr. McAneny.

About 30 million Americans have diabetes and the number of adults diagnosed with this disease has more than tripled in the last 20 years.

More information

The American Academy of Family Physicians has more on prediabetes.

SOURCE: American Medical Association, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, press release, November 14, 2018

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