Sunset Overdrive 2 appears on Amazon with Bloodborne 2 and Splinter Cell


Triplet for Amazon Italy: after Splinter Cell and Bloodborne 2, the famous dealer also included Sunset Overdrive 2 never announced by Microsoft and Insomniac Games . Simple mistake or something in the pot?

Difficult to find out more, the product page shows the release date ( December 31, 2019 ) and the price ( 97.59 euros ) no other information specific. For some time there has been talk of a possible sequel to Sunset Overdrive Insomniac Games has never denied a certain interest but has also confirmed time and time again that it has not no concrete plan.

In May, Sunset Overdrive for PC appeared in the Korean Rating Board, suggesting a possible arrival of the game on Windows, but today nothing has been announced about it. The study also recently reiterated that the title will not receive a patch for Xbox One X, stating that it is involved in other projects unrelated to the Sunset Overdrive brand.

According to some rumors, Microsoft was supposed to announce Sunset Overdrive 2 at E3 with Gears of War 5 and Halo 6 the rumor was revealed partially truthful given the revelation of Gears 5 and Halo Infinite. What Sunset Overdrive 2 may be one of the surprises of the Redmond house for the Gamescom Cologne? We'll probably know more in the coming weeks …

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