The upscale future with Snapdragon 855 surprises in a first benchmark


Sony would already be working on its upscale future which is expected to hit the market only at the beginning of next year. A first prototype of the aircraft, equipped with SoC Snapdragon 855 (SDM855) and 8 GB of RAM memory, appeared in a first benchmark on Geekbench obtaining a total of excellent results. At the software level, Sony's new smartphone presents Android 9.0, or the new Android P, not yet available in a stable version

Sony's new smartphone has, in fact, scored a score of 3,033 points in single-core and well 10,992 points in multi-core exceeding, in the multi-core test, the score of iPhone X 2018 which, as we see today, ] has just been spotted on Geekbench with a first prototype that unveiled some details of the new SoC A12.

 sony snapdragon 855

The benchmark is no longer available on Geekbench and all that remains is a screenshot of the test captured by the Japanese site that first broadcast the news. While waiting for further confirmation, it is certainly plausible that Sony has already made some prototypes of its future smartphone which, as mentioned, will only come in 2019.

Recall, indeed, that the Snapdragon 855 will be the new SoC Qualcomm reference and will be the first company to be built with a production process at 7 nm. Further details on Sony's high-end future will certainly come in the coming weeks. Keep following us to find out more.

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