To achieve 4K at 30fps with PS4 graphics quality, 7.4 TFLOPS is needed, according to AMD


In an interview granted to the magazine Edge and published in issue 320 of June 2018, Timothy Lottes of AMD had the opportunity to say the According to the developer, to achieve the resolution 4K and 30fps with a graphic of a typical title for PlayStation 4 a GPU would be needed with at least 7.4 TFLOPS . What is interesting is that this value is not achieved by any of the two premium consoles currently on the market. Xbox One X guarantees 6 TFLOPS while PlayStation 4 Pro 4.2 TFLOPS . It is good to specify, in any case, that it is an extreme simplification, which does not take into account countless variables and therefore should not be interpreted as an absolute truth and valid in all circumstances . It depends a lot on the optimization work done on the individual games and on the graphic effects used.

Developers also have the option of getting a 4K output using techniques like time reconstruction and checkerboard rendering. a great job to increase the sharpness of the image while not guaranteeing the same quality of native resolution 4K. Other, however, implement dynamic resolution to achieve true 4K in times when the graphics engine is less stressed.

What do you think? Do you think that the next generation of consoles will finally have the guaranteed native 4K resolution in all games?

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