Reforged Announced on the BlizzCon 2018 Stage – Stay Nerd


Blizzard Announces Warcraft III: Remastered the Popular 2002 Title

At the opening conference of the BlizzCon 2018, the company unexpectedly announced the arrival of Warcraft III: Reforged, remastered version of the popular strategy 2002.

In this edition of the game, all the characters, units, buildings, settings and abilities have been completely refitted.

The campaign will be divided into 62 missions, which will include 4 playable races, with their own strategies, skills, units and builds.

in Warcraft III: Reforged The Frozen Throne expansion will also be included and the global publisher will come back, allowing players to create their own game levels.

As for the launch period, it should take place in 2019 and will of course be an exclusive PC.

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