Blizzard: "Diablo is a dream for mobile devices" – Diablo Immortal


Diablo Immortal was announced last week at the BlizzCon and when we had the chance to chat with Helen Cheng and Dan Elggren about the game (developed with NetEase Inc.), we asked them why they had decided to offer the franchise on mobile devices.

"We are all mobile players," Elggren said. "First of all, we are all players, but we are also mobile players, and in the office we always talk about mobile games, so we can translate Diablo – a franchise we like – for mobile platforms. a dream for many of us ".

"And the unique things we can do on a mobile device are different from what we can do on another platform, so it's great to be able to embed a Diablo game on mobile platforms."

When we asked them for more information about touchscreen controls, Elggren added, "It's a unique touch-screen mechanism, it's something we've talked about before, but let's keep repeating, that we will continue to repeat but they work [….] I think these are new and unique mechanisms that make this game work really well on a mobile device. "

It's no secret that Blizzard has received a lot of criticism from him for Diablo Immortal, in part because fans were expecting Diablo 4 and not a mobile game. What do you think, are you satisfied with this announcement?

Diablo Immortal

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