a leak reveals the return of a character and a new enemy?


At an event in camera in Kingdom Hearts 3, the return of an old acquaintance and the arrival of a new villain from the universe Disney thanks to a new trailer "Orchestra", were unveiled

Spoiler warning : Since the information comes from a video shown in camera, the leak contains revelations about the characters and enemies of Kingdom Heart 3, so if you do not want to spoil the surprise, we advise you not to continue reading the news.

As you can see at the top of the news, in addition to the appearance of the game during the conference Microsoft an in-camera event of Kingdom Hearts 3 was organized, showing for the occasional new trailer "Orchestra". Although of mediocre quality, the film proposed at the head of the news allows us to discover two interesting details on the casting of the game.

The film clearly shows the return of Pence, a character who had appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2 and is preparing to arrive also in the third chapter. Speaking of the villain, however, we can also note the presence of Randall, the evil monster of Monsters & Co : will he be one of the bosses to face during the adventure? To learn more just wait for more details of Square Enix.

Recall that Kingdom Heart 3 will debut on January 29, 2019 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One .

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