a player violates the truce and eliminates 48 enemies during the departure of the rocket


Yesterday, at 19:30, the rocket was launched from the den of the wicked Spiagge Snob. What followed is incredible and now there is a big hack in the sky. Millions of players from around the world have organized themselves to attend the event, for which a truce has been called. Apparently, everyone did not respect it.

This is the case of a player who has taken advantage of this situation to do something as memorable as it is incorrect. During the game, most of the users in the game worked together to build a giant wooden structure tens of meters above the ground. The intention was to get a perfect view of the launch of the rocket.

One player, however, deceived all others by destroying the entire structure . The result? The 48 players positioned on it fell to the ground, dying inexorably. The very bad user thus created a real record . Nobody in Fortnite history had scored 48 kills in a single match. Too bad, however, that what he did was stained by infamy.

Do you want to know the funniest thing? Finally, he did not even win ! He was eliminated by the other players of the game who were not on the structure! You can have an idea of ​​the incident by watching the attached video at the bottom of the news. How did you go? Did you manage to see the start of the rocket, or did a joker ruin the show?

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