a race with the golf cart ends in tragedy, performed the death trick


Two videos of Reddit showing how to drive the golf cart in Fortnite can be really dangerous. Some young people decided to use this vehicle as an alternative means of transportation, organizing a race on a trail suspended several meters above the ground.

How did it end? Not too good, since the race caused the death (virtual) of ten players, fallen ruinously in the void over tens of meters. The second video shows rather a death lap made with the Golf Cart not without difficulty. Similar cases have been attempted in the past with shopping hampers, with equally ruinous results, which has led Epic to remove them several times from the game, but to add them definitively after solving some of the problems of the game. means in question. the new update of Fortnite which will bring the submachine gun and other contents not yet announced, so we expect Epic to propagate the official changelog of the patch of today Now, officially available from 14:00, now Italian.

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