AIIS is born, Italy inaugurates a national laboratory dedicated to AI


  Birth of the AIIS Artificial intelligence is evolving in an exceptional way and many large companies are getting great benefits through its use. The news of the last months has already allowed to badume that the attention of scientists would have concentrated more and more on the AI ​​and in fact Italy announces a great novelty . A new laboratory will be fully dedicated to artificial intelligence

Italy invests in artificial intelligence

Our country has already been shown ready to accept artificial intelligence and its use in various fields. The AI ​​will no longer be in the hands of giants like Google. In Italy is born a laboratory entirely dedicated to this field. The National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (AIIS) was introduced on July 5.

For Italy, it's a great opportunity that involves many researchers and many industries. The goal is to focus on progress in areas such as medicine and cybersecurity . The use of artificial intelligence has repeatedly proven to be exceptional. Google is, in fact, the best example. The giant has focused on artificial intelligence by developing products capable of performing activities previously impossible. Also Italy had already operated the IA for outstanding projects, such as the Blockchain for Life supported by the IED Institute of Milan

The project seems to offer great opportunities . What makes us think of the objectives of the new National Laboratory is the intention to collaborate with the world's best artificial intelligence schools. Among these, a prominent place occupies the International Computer Vision Summer School in Catania. Rita Cucchiara director of the new laboratory also confirmed the collaboration of 43 universities and about 600 researchers The Laboratory was already promoted by the CINI and presented in Rome.

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