Also the new Doctor Boom (and his hero powers) among the cards shown live!


Also the new Dr. Boom (and his hero powers) among the cards live show!

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Dear JackTorrance with guests Luca Bertels Bertelli of Team Qlash Francesco Swaggermeist Padovani degli Exports Esports and the professional streamer and doubler Gianandrea ] Orion Muià, have followed and commented for the community the official direct streaming of the opening of the great period of "anticipations" related to the imminent Operation Apocalypse (remember that you will find here all the cards).
During the live (if you lost, you can see the replica by clicking here ) 10 cards were presented. Let's see them in detail.

The first that we badyze is the new hero card of Warrior Dr. Boom, Mad Genius that since it will be played will allow us to have one of his 6 hero powers that will change every turn.
Among the powers of the heroes, we also have the Kaboom! (which will cause damage to all servants), Delivery Drone (return a mech), Anti-Explosion Shield (7 armor), lo Zap Cannon (3 damage to a character), the Micro Squad (evokes 3 1/1 microbots) and finally the Big Red Button that will activate the " Mech Suit Power " (of which we do not have much information yet

With this card Blizz presented another 9 among neutral and clbad servants and spells and, among these, it is worth mentioning the legendary magic of 7 manas of Paladin call The eternal army of Kangor who will resurrect 3 mech friends once played.
or see in detail all the news presented today What do you think of the community?
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Marco "Stak" Cresta

I'm a fan of video games since I remember and I believe in the goodness of progress that will flow through eSports also on the social level. My other great pbadion has always been the reality and history, which is why I finished my studies with a degree in Political Science at the Calabrian University of Cosenza.

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