Amazon Prime Video: Not an alternative to Netflix?


Amazon Prime Video the streaming platform of the e-commerce giant, is perhaps far from being considered a real alternative to giants like Netflix . This is revealed by a new study conducted by the badysis company MoffettNathanson, in the United States: for 85% of respondents, the service would be additional but would not replace existing services.

Quartz, 85% of US users of Amazon Prime Video would also subscribe to Netflix. The survey, conducted with a representative sample of 1,300 respondents, points out that two-thirds of the sample are using the streaming platform included in the premium subscription, but most users do not consider the catalog rich enough to replace their competitors Netflix and Hulu. In particular, women between 18 and 34 seem to be the least attracted to the Amazon bookstore

Among Prime subscribers who do not regularly use Prime Video, it appears that 44% indicate in reduced catalog the biggest deterrent, 28% do not like the quality of what is produced and the rest does not specify the motivation. 15% of respondents say they have canceled other subscriptions, a factor certainly positive for Amazon, while 14% use Netflix or Hulu subscriptions registered to others.

On the catalog enrichment, however, Amazon could well get excellent results. As always, Quartz reports that the company plans to spend $ 4.5 billion on original productions by the end of the year, about half of the total budget available for Netflix. On the horizon, although there is no confirmation yet, it could also be the acquisition of small or medium sized television networks, could help the giant to perfectly define its content strategy. All that remains is to wait a few months, therefore, to discover the many news that could appear on the streaming service of Jeff Bezos . [ad_2]
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