Andromeda by Microsoft, new project to eliminate the differences between the phone and the PC – Hi-Tech


(ANSA) – One could call "Andromeda" the revolution in the field of mobile telephony on which Microsoft wants to put its signature. Rumors have been circulating for days on this portable device halfway between smartphones and personal computers, with a dual folding screen and a digital pen.

According to the American press, Microsoft has been working on the project for years, which would represent a new evolution of the Surface models and could make it possible to recover land in the field of mobile telephony. According to an internal document obtained by The Verge, the new product "will eliminate the boundaries" between the mobile phone and the PC

At the moment there are no official images of Andromeda but it circulates on the specialized sites a rendering based on filed patents.

@zacbowden @ h0x0d Beginning with the latest patents @windowscentral #Surface

– David Breyer (@D_Breyer ) December 18, 2017


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