Apple is still growing: the iPhone X has been a success


Even Apple comes out of the quarter with a new stock market summit: the figures put forward for badysts and shareholders drive the AAPL title to a new historical record (+ 4% in the after-hour, arriving now to reach $ 200 and 1000 billion capitalization ), following this path when it has been marked by Microsoft and Google in recent days. In the context of a Nasdaq that is questioning about the return of the bear, Apple is avoiding and continuing its growth, strong of a $ 20 billion buyout that can only strengthen the positive trend of the stock. 19659002] The turnover again increased by 17% during the quarter ended in June, a quarter which according to Tim Cook was "the best of all time" and "the fourth in a row with growth in two figures ". The main drivers of this growth, says the CEO of Cupertino, are three: iPhone, services and Apple Watch.

The iPhone sold was 41.3 million, just below badysts' estimates, but still up from the previous year. Tim Cook is particularly focused on this aspect as he intends to highlight the growth of 20% over a year, confirming the quality of the iPhone X project: Luca Maestri, CFO of Apple, adds that among those who are considering buy a smartphone after in the summer, 81% say they are ready to choose an iPhone

The front is up sharply App Store : 31% of badets, an income of 9.5 billion dollars for a Voice highly dependent on the number of iPhones and iPads in circulation. The business figure of Apple Music also increased by 50%, confirming the health of the service front. The iPad sector is relatively stable, with sales slightly above 11 million units, while the only discontinuation comes from the line Mac: -13% compared to the Previous year, with revenues down 4, 7%. A gap that is counterbalanced by some difficulties too much on the MacBook line – just revived with a Pro version that does not bring any redesign.

The wearables line ( Apple Watch and AirPods ) increased by 60% over the previous year, confirming the excellent health of the devices that represented a strong bet on the beginnings (obviously won).

The quarterly relies heavily on the iPhone, which has become a fundamental part of the group's activities: in light of all this, the appointment next September will be particularly important, when Tim Cook will announce the successor of the company. 39, iPhone X to make the most of the positive momentum of its smartphone. And the expectations of the group seem particularly optimistic for the coming months, also and especially because of a surpbad by Huawei (IDC data) that leads Apple to no longer be the latter, but the third largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world. And with Xiaomi growing up strongly threatening even the last step of the podium.

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