Apple releases iOS 11.4.1 and updates the USB restricted mode


Apple released iOS 11.4.1 . This is the new minor version of the Cupertino company's mobile operating system but, in addition to the usual bug fixing, it brings an important innovation. Restricted USB mode has been further enhanced, a feature that should make life even more difficult for those trying to access a secure iPhone.

This restricted USB mode is operational whenever an iOS device is released for more than 7 days. After this time has elapsed, the operating system limits the functions of the Lightning port, removing the different data transfer permissions. All in all, it can only be used to charge the device

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Upgrading to iOS 11.4.1 introduces a one hour clock counted from the sending of the device to stanby. After this time, it will no longer be possible to access the data from the iPhone or the iPad via the Lightning port without inserting the appropriate unlock code. In summary, another limitation on any attempt to release necessarily Apple products.

Also read: iOS 11.4, will it be harder to access a secure iPhone?

The other two new features 11.4.1 concern: the resolution of a problem that prevented some users from seeing the last known position of the AirPods headphones on "Find My iPhone"; better synchronization of e-mails, contacts and notes with the Exchange account.

  Apple iOS

As often happens in these cases, Apple also released tvOS 11.4.1, watchOS 4.3.2 and the new fimrware 11.4.1 for HomePod. Moreover, during these hours, the update 10.13.6 for macOS is also distributed, but its diffusion seems to continue more slowly. In any case, these are minor updates, which introduce the usual bugfixes and performance improvements.

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The iPhone 8 is one of the devices that received iOS 11.4.1. It is offered via Amazon, in the 64GB storage version, with a discount of about 200 euros compared to the list price. You can find it at this link.

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