Apple Store Milan & # 39; copy & # 39; square Italy – Tlc


(ANSA) – MILAN, JULY 24 – It Inspires Clbadical Squares
Italian flagship store opened by Apple in Milan, on the square
Freedom, close to the Duomo. The space, which will open
officially on Thursday to the public, it's not just a shop but
meeting place, with an outside staircase that will do the business
amphitheater for events, and a large bay window with a fountain.
The project is the study of the archistar Norman Foster.
"It's the best expression of the new vision of the store
Apple – explained Giuseppe Caropreso, director of the Apple market
Southern Europe, speaking of the new vision of society
tap preview course -. We wanted to recover
the social role that the square had in the past, where people
they could meet, share. The space that offered us
Milan makes us proud and makes us responsible for the offer
an experience that exceeds expectations. "
Distinctive elements of the design of the new flagship store e
of the square are the local stone, the gray beola a
hand, and water. The spectacular fountain on the outside is formed,
at the top, 56 water jets reaching 8
meters high, while at the bottom there is a thin
Diffuse water sail from 4 thousand screws over six rows.
The one of Piazza Liberty in Milan is the first world lighthouse
business store in Italy, the flagship. It's about the
17th store in our country, while 112 are in
Europe and 500 the 21 countries of the world. The square will be animated, a
from Thursday, with concerts, while the store will host the
free sessions of art and photography Today at Apple.


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