ARM Cortex-76 at 7 and 5 nanometers to challenge Intel notebooks


The division of Samsung which deals with the production of chips for others has announced that the nucleus ARM Cortex-A76 will be able to operate at on 3 GHz thanks to the production with the processes 7 nanometers LPP and 5 nanometers LPE developed by the South Korean company. The company, as announced in May, is already projected to 3 nanometers

Up to now the ARM chips have almost always focused on low and very low consumption mobile mold devices, such as smartphones and tablets , but in the past decade, helped by the explosion of the high-end smartphone market, the performance has been steadily increasing, about 20% each year, and the characteristics have increased .

This rate of improvement will not continue forever, especially now that Moore's law is slowing down, but so far, which has allowed ARM chips to to gradually reduce performance difference compared to x86 chips, at least on the basis of similar consumption levels . arm cortex a76 05 "src =" "/>

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A 15-30 watt x86 laptop chip is still much faster than a 5 watt ARM, even if they have the same frequency. What will happen when they have a similar consumption? ARM may soon answer this question and the Cortex-A76 is the first step in that direction.

This project promises to bring on all devices in which it will be used " portable performance ". A statement already felt in the past, but this time could become reality of accomplices technological advances.

In summary, users of Chrome OS or Windows 10 laptops with Cortex-A76 chips really could not see big differences in daily operations. (at least) clbadic products with low-end x86 chips

To achieve a high level of performance, ARM has knocked on Samsung's door to take advantage of its advanced production technology. The two companies have been collaborating for a long time and this last step is an extension of existing agreements

Considering that Intel has long struggled to produce 10 nanometers, a 7-nanometer Cortex-A76 could really behave even better than some solutions Celeron and Pentium, and it is possible that it approaches or exceeds some Core i3

The production process of Samsung 7LPP is expected to enter the phase of "risk production" this year and will the first company to use Extreme Ultraviolet lithography, for which it is possible that the first chips will reach the market between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

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