Assassin's Creed Odyssey is not connected to the Origins story


Assbadins Creed Odyssey The new chapter of the Ubisoft franchise is established hundreds of years earlier than the events narrated in Assbadin's Creed Origins which in turn is the prequel to all Assbadin's Creed published to date. The Odyssey story, however, will in no way be related to the previous chapter of the series, as Scott Philips said in an interview published a few weeks ago on & # 39; E3 2018 . game director stated that the brotherhood of badbadins can not exist in any way in the game, since this was established at the Origins events, while Odyssey is settled four hundred years earlier . The choices of the players will therefore have a major impact on the story of the new Assbadin's Creed, because the protagonists will not be guided by a creed, but by their ideas and their morale. . The most interesting part of the interview is however related to the "present":

"Will we have the present days? Yes, there will be, and we continue this kind of philosophical structure" order against chaos " , which has always characterized Assbadin 's Creed, and there are many other things for fans, I think that people who are exploring the game and who love Assbadin' s Creed will also love Odyssey.

Assbadin's Creed Odyssey is expected on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC starting October 5, 2018. Almost certainly the title will not be available on Nintendo Switch .

  Assbadin's Creed Odyssey

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